Category: Grief and Loss

Patient Mind Inc

We provide Education Tools for Pain Conditions. We are on a mission to reinvent how patients and clinicians absorb new science.  (Read More...)
Bereaved Parents of the USA

Bereaved Parents of the USA has chapters across the country that help grieving parents and families rebuild their lives after the death of a child. We want you to know you are not alone on your grief journey. BPUSA understands and cares about you and knows that as bereaved families, we truly share “A Journey Together.” Once a year we sponsor a National Gathering Conference that offers speakers, workshops, and special events to honor and remember our children.  (Read More...)

The Erika Whitmore Godwin Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, has five primary goals: (1) to provide hope and support to any parent who loses a child; (2) to support siblings, family members, and friends impacted by the death of a child; (3) to educate the public about the loss of a child, letting them know how they can support parents in rebuilding their lives; (4) to educate and collaborate with professionals who deal with the death of a child; and, (5) to provide ways for parents to honor their child.  (Read More...)
Erin's House

Erin’s House provides grief support to children, teens, and their families who have experienced a death of a loved one. Our peer-support program nights offer grieving children and teens the opportunity to be surrounded by others also suffering the death of a loved one, helping them feel a sense of belonging and respect. The bi-monthly peer-support groups are available to ages 3-30, and are no cost to the individuals. Erin’s House is located in Fort Wayne, Indiana. For more information, call 260-423-2466 or visit  (Read More...)
The Grief Toolbox

When it comes to dealing with grief, it can be a challenge to find the resources we need to educate ourselves and our loved ones on what is happening and how to best keep going forward. Having been down this road, we want to give back. We want to reach out to those who are earlier on this road. We cannot make your pain go away, nor can we provide answers for you. What we can do is help you to find the tools that you need to work through your grief journey. Thus was born The Grief Toolbox. The Grief Toolbox is an ambitious project. Its goal is to be an all-encompassing place for grief tools: a singular area where a person can find all the resources they need to help them with that grief that neither time nor money can solve. We here at the Grief Toolbox understand that needs change as we go from the raw encompassing pain of the first year to the stark reality of the second year, and then to the growth and reinventing ourselves of the middle years to the acceptance and blessing that now coexists with the pain and love that will always be a part of our life. Grief, in our opinion, falls into two categories: grief that can be solved with time or money, and grief that can not be solved. If you leave your favorite coat on a plane, with time and money you can replace it and the grief will slowly fade. However, with the loss of a loved one - whether a spouse, a parent, a child or a sibling - no time and no amount of money will make this grief go away.  (Read More...)
Wings - A Grief Education Ministry

Wings-a Grief Education Ministry is a 501 c-3, non-profit, charitable organization founded by Nan & Gary Zastrow in 1993 with the express purpose of helping others understand the impact of loss/grief in one’s life. The organization supports and educates by listening, teaching, and sharing grief experiences that honor the past and rebuild the future. It offers workshops, seminars, support/education groups, and articles to heal the pain of loss. Current information is posted at their website.  (Read More...)
Infants Remembered in Silence (IRIS)

Infants Remembered In Silence © (IRIS), a nonprofit organization, supplements the care given by the medical, mental health, and religious communities by providing resources and referral information, support and education to parents, family, friends, and professionals after a child dies in early pregnancy (ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, miscarriage, etc.) or from stillbirth, neo-natal death, birth defects, Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID/SIDS) and related syndromes, illness, accident, and all other types of infant and early childhood death. IRIS offers a wide variety of services including Midday Support Groups, Evening Support Groups, one on one Support Services, and much more. Please visit our website at and find us on social media.  (Read More...)

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